Devon Historic Churches

Welcome to The Devon Historic Churches Trust

Support Devon’s Heritage

The Devon Historic Churches Trust is dedicated to funding repairs and maintenance to places of Christian worship in the Diocese of Exeter and throughout Devon.

Funding for our grants comes from the generosity of our supporters: either by donations, membership subscriptions, fundraising activities or legacies.

Our main fundraising event is Devon Historic Churches Day incorporating the national Ride+Stride

On this day all churches in Devon should be open, welcoming visitors and doing something to raise funds for the Devon Historic Churches Trust.

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Our Churches: Past, Present & Future

Working together



Grants are available for the repair and maintenance of the fabric of Devon’s Churches and Chapels of all denominations. The Trust aims to help with the minimum of difficulty; if you require a grant please complete the attached application form.

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Our churches are an important part of both the landscape and our cultural heritage. To ensure we are able to continue to give grants in the future, please remember us in your Will.

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Individuals and groups can assist in preserving Devon’s wonderful Christian architectural heritage by generating funds for the Devon Historic Churches Trust.

Please organise an event or contribute in any way you can. It is important that we all do something.

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