Subject:                          FW: DCMS/National Churches Trust Capital Grant




 Message received from Alison Pollard, Grants Manager, National Churches Trust
Sent: Thursday, 19 April 2012,

Subject: DCMS/National Churches Trust Capital Grant


As you may be aware, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport is providing a one-off grant in 2012-13 for capital works in listed places of worship. The National Churches Trust is administering a share of money in the form of open grants programme for listed places of worship outside the care of the Church of England. Another share is being administered by the Church of England through its dioceses.


Details of the programme are now available on the NCT website at Grants are available for new capital works (e.g. extensions, facilities such as kitchen and toilets, heating etc); repairs and maintenance of existing fabric are not eligible.


There are limited funds available and due to the need for all grants under the scheme to have been claimed and paid by 31 March 2013, the programme is open for application from now until 30 August 2012. There will be opportunities for decisions in May, October and December of this year.  I would be grateful if you could therefore highlight the existence of this programme to any listed places of worship that you think might be suitable. If you or they have any questions about the programme, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me.


Yours sincerely


Alison Pollard

Grants Manager

National Churches Trust

31 Newbury Street

London EC1A 7HU


Direct tel: 020 7776 1043

GeneralTel:  020 7600 6090 

Fax: 020 7796 2442